The Book – Overview
The Definitive Business Plan
the fast-track to intelligent business planning for executives and entrepreneurs
by Richard Stutely
Published by Financial Times Prentice Hall
Second Edition Revised, 2007
ISBN: 0 273 71096 6
A good business plan is the difference between success and not even getting the chance to try.
This international bestseller is THE ultimate guide to business planning.
Whether the goal is raising start-up or development finance for a new business, requesting venture funding from a corporate parent, or directing operational management, The Definitive Business Plan will help you deliver the information that the decision-makers are really looking for,
Accessible to the newcomer and detailed enough for the experienced planner, this book explains how to tailor a plan for specific readerships and to meet specific objectives. It helps focus attention on strategic planning and on strategic and operational controls.
If you want to part people from their cash you need a business plan that has the substance to stand up to close examination without falling over. The Definitive Business Plan will make sure that your plan is good enough to start, run or revitalize any business enterprise.
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Foreward by Sir Paul Judge, Chairman of the Advisory Board of Judge Institute of Management Studies, University of Cambridge.
The Definitive Business Plan delivers fast-track advice for competent business people – executives and entrepreneurs who want to get beyond the basics and produce definitive, compelling and intelligent business plans.
"The Definitive Business Plan
is fundamental to business success"

Financial Times Management
Book of the Month, March 1999
- Knowing what you want is what business planning is all about.
- Develop your business plan into an active management tool
- A plan sets out where you are and shows where you are going
- It makes effective use of opportunities and resources
Use The Definitive Business Plan
to develop a vision for the future
The Definitive Business Plan shows how to meet the four key objectives – formal documentation, funding, approval and operational management – that will make your plan a living working document. It will help you start, run or revitalise any business enterprise.
In summary, the book shows you how to:
- assess the current status of a business, including skills, resources, products, markets and competition
- define vision, mission, values, the core objectives and operating objectives
- develop strategic and operational plans
- create financial forecasts, cash flow projections and operating budgets
- pull all this information together into a well-written business plan
- determine what kind of funding is required if any
- make use of a surplus or decide where to look for the funding
- value a business and assess return on investment
- obtain the necessary approvals and funding
- use the business plan to run a business efficiently and successfully